Our Log In Date is 4-13-07

Saturday, October 13, 2007

6 Month LID

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I found this graphic for our 6 month LID (Log in date) and posted it a few days early! We are now at the six month point which a few months ago I would have been really excited about. However, someone on my March/April Yahoo list got an email from CCAI and basically it said that the wait for adopting from China is much longer than we have all anticipated (how long? nobody really knows.) I actually found this out just before our 5 month LID anniversary. That is part of the reason that I didn't post anything last month. The wait has been very hard. It will be two years in January that we started this process. It could go another two years if things don't speed up soon. So for now, we hope, pray and trust in God that His timing is perfect.

On a positive note, the fall is my favorite season. Unfortunately, living in Florida we don't get much of a fall. My little guy and I are traveling to St. Louis to visit with my daughter and hope that there will be more fall-like weather there.


Unknown said...

Congrats on having 6 months behind you.

Bob & Vicky said...

Thanks Donna and Andrew! I see that you are also a LID in April. Congratulations to you too!

Somewhere Over the Rainbow is our Elizabeth!